Greetings in God’s Mighty name! As we continue to study the expression of God’s power through His Mighty Arm in the three R’s – Release, Restore and Rest, I hope to create a paradigm shift with our focus this week on RELEASE.Typical stories of release from captivity always speaks about a ‘deliverer’ – God always uses a person to liberate His people from captivity- Moses, Esther, Nehemiah and our greatest continuous example – Jesus! These stories often used, point to a chosen one and specifically a member of the race/people to be delivered out of captivity. However today, I want to drive home a point that our Lord God will use whoever He desires to bring about our release in this new season.

Now it came to pass in the thirty-seventh year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, on the twenty-fifth day of the month, that Evil-Merodach[a] king of Babylon, in the first year of his reign, lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah and brought him out of prison

Okay- Evil-Merodach – the word of God is putting a prefix before a King’s name like you would put a Mr, Miss or Mrs. The king is being aptly defined so you make no mistake interpreting otherwise. Jehoiachin and others were held for 37 years! 37!!! An Evil King comes into government and within a year releases him and gives him a place of honor and a pension for life! (read from verses 31 -34). Release for the captive King of Judah came from an unexpected person- God used an Evil King. You need to stop praying for your enemies to fall and die… you could just kill off the very person God wants to use to release you into a place of Restoration! Yes, funny isn’t it? But King David understood this when in Psalm 23:5a, he says to God “you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”. God will use anyone and anything to bring about a release. Don’t be focused on the situation, be focused on God. Looking unto Jesus who for the Joy set before Him endured the cross(paraphrased).

Are you in a rut? Underpaid, overworked? Nasty boss, promotion denied? Can’t seem to find a job? Tough business conditions, overwhelming conditions, so many bills to pay? Recurring mistakes that threaten your relationship with God? Don’t lose faith, be hopeful, there is a joy set before you, look to Jesus, He is near. He is bringing about your Release! He will use whoever He desires to bring you out. Don’t start looking for people who could be responsible for your problems, let God deal with those! Look to JESUS!

Be steadfast in your walk with God, believe His word, remain hopeful! Your Release has come! God is breaking asunder every prison gates of wickedness, delay, sickness, hardship and oppression holding your life.


Prayer for this week

I am thankful Father for your Mighty Arm that saves. I am thankful that You are able to do exceeding abundantly above what I can ever ask for or even think. I worship and adore you Lord! I praise your Holy name.


Charge for this week

Be thankful!!! Your enemies will become an agent in the hand of God that will take you to your next level of Joy.  
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