Happy New Year!!!! Can you see what the Lord has done, isn’t it wonderful? 2018 is here and we welcome it with joy and thanksgiving. In 2018- be thankful always. For 2017- be thankful. A heart of gratitude expresses and communicates immense appreciation to God. Thanksgiving to God is like building a memorial that glorifies His holy name and displays to others His immense power in all of the Earth and in your life.
I have called this year the Year of God and Me- Building deeper levels of our relationship, committed partnership with Him on the journey of life, more of Him in everything!!! Just me and Him- my lover supernatural. That song that says there is no place I’ll rather be than in Your Presence should be our anchor song in 2018.
What are you anchoring your 2018 on? What is your go-to fix? I am anchored on His Word! This Year- I choose to believe God at His word. Here are my seven anchors for 2018. I desire to share them with you and pray that you find stability and security in His Word. Here goes the first three:
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