As we come into September and we are just three months away from the end of 2018, I am encouraging you to keep the cheer up. I know that situations or circumstances may be speaking differently but keep the cheer going. Have an expectant and thankful Heart. Be Thankful Always!
Can you remember our seven anchors for 2018?
The first anchor is “to be thankful always”. Being thankful is essential for building mental strength to keep going. It is critical for good health and keeping good relationships around you.

A cheerful disposition is good for your health; gloom and doom leave you bone-tired.

Today, start a gratitude journal if you haven’t or even just keep counting your blessings daily. It is a good thing to give thanks to God.

Today I am giving thanks to God for the following and more;

  • For rescuing me from the pit of darkness into the everlasting kingdom of your son.
  • For providing for me ALL things, I am not in NEED
  • For seeing me through school and providing for me all the way. You are awesome
  • For good health, strength and being able to arise each morning
  • For a great family and to be surrounded by love
  • For a great childhood filled with love and knowing YOU at a young age
  • For fantastic friends who are ever supportive and encouraging
  • For healing my heart.
  • For rescuing me from sin, for protecting me from things that I know and things I do not know
  • For protecting my family and friends
  • For divine favors
  • For his word – always something
  • For answering my prayers
  • For uplifting my soul
  • For loving me without fail
  • For his faithfulness
  • For his loving kindness, his strength
  • For his plan and purpose for my life
  • For being God
  • For forgiving me daily

Why don’t you write out yours? By the time you write out a couple of things, you will start to experience some cheer. A cheerful heart of appreciation rules out griping. For it is difficult to be genuinely grateful and loaded with antagonism 1 Thessalonians 5:18, In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus


Prayer for this week

I am thankful  oh Lord for your daily dose of goodness in my life.


Charge for this week

Start a gratitude journal or just write out daily five things you are thankful for God’s Peace and God’s Peace and Love
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