The Beauty of the ‘GIFT”

Greetings in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.  Hope the House of Prayer series was good for you? Get your prayer on! Over the next couple of weeks, I would be writing about Giving.

Love is expressed through giving. We cannot say we have love and yet be stingy or hold back when it is in our capacity to give. Giving should always look out for a reciprocal action, give anyway!

Giving is God’s nature and indeed is replicated in our DNA as His Children. God gave his best even when He wasn’t sure we would be accepting of His gift, He gave His all, took a risk out of love and still is. As long as everyone hasn’t come to the knowledge of Christ, that risk is still ongoing. Remember that God desires that everyone does not perish but come to the knowledge of Christ. He wants everyone to be saved.

This week, I will dwell on the Beauty of the “GIFT’. This time not the precious Gift-Christ but on what God has deposited in every one of us. My question today is ‘what are you doing with yours?” Is it active or dormant?


14 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also. 18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.

The scripture above is the Parable of the Talents as told by Jesus Christ during one of His sermons, this is the Kingdom, God gives us talents, abilities in us, made active by our submission to His Holy Spirit. What are we doing with this gift? Will we go ahead and double it ?or will you just bury it?

I wrote the musings below sometime in January 2017 and want to share it with you;

“I believe that there’s a unique gift given to each person, no else on the face of the earth shares this, just as unique as the DNA is. It’s YOU-nique. I believe right up there in heaven before the Father sends us down, He deposits a unique ID into us. A part of Him never to be replicated in another. This forms a gift to the rest of the World through the individual. It’s beautiful, amazing and a wonder to many. It’s just left for us to discover this or God can also send someone our way to help give expression to the gift. Have you discovered your YOU- nique gift today?”

Today, go on a journey of discovery. God has made you a wonder to your generation. Stop the mediocrity and get with the Kingdom’s agenda. Find and live out your purpose, don’t deny the World of your gift. Be what the Father has created you to be. Shine bright! Be productive!


Prayer for this week

Lord God, Please open my eyes to see and know my YOU-nique gift. In Jesus Name I pray Amen


Charge for this week

There’s so much God has given you to be of great value to the World around you. Do not hold back. Your actions can bring many to the knowledge of Christ. Today discover your YOU-niqueness !
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