The DEEP – Power (Part 4)

The DEEP – Power (Part 4)

Over several weeks, we have been studying on deepening our relationship with God and desiring to go deeper with Him. This is necessary for the new decade we are going into, as God is eager for partners to expand the Kingdom. Expanding the kingdom requires wealth, wisdom and deep revelation. Journeying with God in the DEEP cultivates a relationship that becomes a deep friendship and partnership. We look at the last part of the DEEP series this week; Power.
To catch up on the previous episodes please visit For this week we look at Power.
D epth of His Character
E nlightenment of our souls
E xperience God
P ower of His Might 

19 I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then, your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power 20 that was released when God raised Christ from the dead and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm!

In the DEEP, we experience God’s power through the workings of the Holy Spirit in us. The text above shows the showing of His Power through us is an advertisement to the world that God is in us and with us. Alleluia. 

The Power at work in us is the power of resurrection! Isn’t that just amazing?  The same power that raised Christ from the dead is the same power that is at work in us through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.  The key to access is walking with the Holy Spirit. Remember in one of the previous series, we showed that the Holy Spirit is the one who searches the deep things of the Father and reveals them to us. 
God displays His power in ways that we cannot even comprehend. His Power cannot be measured or even understood in some cases. 
In the DEEP, you start to experience;
His Power of deliverance as He rescues you continually from all harm, trouble and terrible circumstances
His Power of consecration as He separates you to good works that glorify His name
His Power of might that causes you to seek the impossible, knowing that God can do the impossible
His Power of revelation that exposes you to great wisdom, knowledge and insight, and sets you above your peers.
His Power of His Word that creates and brings things to being.
There is so much power to access in the DEEP and our Father in heaven is willing to throw open the doors to those willing and seeking to go deeper with Him.
Tap into that Power today by going deeper.


Prayer for this week

Father in Heaven, I ask to know you more. I crave a deeper relationship with you through your Son Jesus Christ. Amen


Charge for this week

Walk daily in the Holy Spirit .
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