Beloved, how are you doing?
Take time to answer truthfully and then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything that can help you feel better.
Last month, we touched on the topic of wholesome love, and I hope that you are allowing the Holy Spirit to fill your heart with God’s love, so you can be a vessel of love to this world of ours.
As we enter into the Lenten season (40 days in which we remember the sacrifice of Christ) this month, I want to share my thoughts about a deep conversation I had with one of the Fathers of Faith in the Nigerian Orthodox Church.
He talked about the ancient paths of Christianity and how Christians have become so distracted by so many new teachings that they have left these paths and formed new ones that lead nowhere. The truth is that these new paths seem like the ancient paths, but they are actually a mirage. Several false doctrines are being taught in the name of Christ and many have been exposed to these teachings, and possibly, howbeit subconsciously, taken on some of these teachings and followed false doctrines.
For me, in this Lenten period of holiness, I am seeking a purge and a thorough refining by the Holy Spirit, to realign me and return my feet to these ancient paths.
What ancient paths, you may ask;
I find the scripture text from

This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.

The Lord defines the ancient paths as “the good way”- His way; what He has instructed through His Word, His Character and His life. By walking in His way- we find rest for our souls.
In our discussion, this Father of Faith touched on four paths and I have added a fifth – adding a fifth is significant for me, because the number five symbolises “grace” in Christianity and I believe like never before that we need God’s grace to walk these paths and return to that place of rest for our souls.
Over the 6 weeks of Lent, I will write on each of these paths and I hope we can all let the Holy Spirit work in us, to realign us to the Father’s perfect will.
My identified paths:
Path 1: Selflessness: The death of self. This is the true path to love God’s way and serve His people, in alignment with His perfect will.
Path 2: Service:  As reflected in the life of our Lord, Jesus Christ who was a servant leader- serving others, being humble and meek, and doing good everywhere He went. Service always flows from a place of selflessness.
Path 3:  Suffering: Which implies trials, storms, and giving up all we have and cherish, to seek God’s way. Understanding that going through trials and storms of life is actually a trust building session and not a form of punishment.
Path 4: Sacrifice: God’s ultimate sacrifice of love to mankind- sending His only Son Jesus Christ to die for us- and how we should emulate this kind of sacrifice for others.
Path 5: Spirituality: Our relationship with the Holy Spirit is key to staying on the ancient paths and it deepens our walk with the Father.


Prayer for this week

Lord I submit myself to be refined by You in this season


Charge for this week

Be submitted. Every morning just whisper to God – “Have your way”. Reflect on our song for the week.
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