Finding Our Way Back To The Ancient Paths- SPIRITUALITY

Finding Our Way Back To The Ancient Paths- SPIRITUALITY

“Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted in all the nations”.  This is God’s word to you today. So many things are being peddled in the name of truths and consiperacies, however let’s stand together on this one truth; HE IS GOD!!!  He holds our lives in His hands. Be still, receive His peace and exalt Him.
We end our series on “Finding the Ancient Paths” this week looking at the Path of Spirituality. 
I believe that there is no better time than this to have written on finding our way back to the Ancient paths. The Lord calls us to a place of rest in Him these times of panic, anxiety, worry and concern about what the future holds for every one of us.
This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls”. Jeremiah 6:16 (NKJV)
We have looked at the paths of Selflessness, Service, Suffering, Sacrifice and finally today on Spirituality. 

Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.

The Path of spirituality relies on the depth of our relationship with the Holy Spirit.  God is Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.  Connecting with God daily through the Holy Spirit is key to staying the journey of life and handling whatever it throws at us.
When Jesus left the Earth, the Holy Spirit was sent down to us; to guide us into all truth.  He is down here with us and ever ready to show us the way. Gentle, loving, patient and full of kindness, the Holy Spirit desires to lead us into an intimate loving relationship with the Father and, an expose on the Man Jesus. 
He helps us connect and communicate with the Father and fills our hearts and mind with the God-kind of love that enables us to be selfless, serve others, be sacrificial and understand suffering (trials). He maintains our Body, Soul and Spirit through the Word of God (Jesus) to enable us survive life and thrive in the midst of it all.
Are you walking with the Holy Spirit? Have you let Him into all you do?  Are you tired of the status quo? Do you desire more? 
In these times of self-isolation, lockdown, quarantine or being in the hospital; BE still, listen to Him, God is speaking to you. HE is asking for a deeper walk with you. He wants you, yes you, just as you are. 
Lean in into His loving embrace. You are all that matters to Him.


Prayer for this week

Holy Spirit, take all of me. AMEN


Charge for this week

Be submitted. Every morning just whisper to God – “Have your way”. Reflect on our song for the week and let that be your prayer.
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