The Harvest

As we entered in to the month of August, there are various prophetic declarations about a new season and that a time for the harvest has come. People that share this with me are excited about the harvest of things despite these tough times we are in. I am excited too, in fact very excited as I am expectant too for this harvest, however there is a harvest that is most crucial to the Lord; the Harvest of Souls!  So much has happened this year that it is vital to God that men find rest for their souls. The word of God speaks about the excitement in Heaven when a lost soul comes back to the fold- there is so much rejoicing also,  he who wins souls is wise.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."

Recently I was looking for a couple of things round the house, I was so frustrated looking and not knowing where I had kept these things- my entire mood was sour. I gave up looking and was just so upset, the Holy Spirit in that moment reminded me of two parables – the lost sheep and the lost coin; Could I just imagine how desperate God was in seeking that all should come to repentance and not perish? How every single soul was of utmost importance to Him? Looking and never giving up till He found each soul and brought them back to His loving arms? And how we were His labourers here on Earth to harvest these souls to come into the fold?

Jesus used these Parables to teach the importance of a soul to His Father in Heaven and how important the Kingdom of Heaven was. Nothing has changed, God is still going after the one. As children of God and ones that understand His heartbeat, our utmost desire is to “go after the one”. The Harvest of Souls is the most crucial in these times that we are in, to be labourers as the Lord of the Harvest calls us into the field to work.

So today, what has the Lord set in your mind pertaining the Harvest of Souls? Are you actively seeking that people come to know Jesus? Is your lifestyle showcasing God and His mighty ways? What are you doing daily to work with the Lord of the Harvest? Are you supporting missions, evangelism outreaches etc.? Are you preaching the word of God? I urge you to focus on the most important and wise harvest activity – the Harvest of Souls as you earnestly wait for and are expectant for the Harvest of things (promotion, wealth, relationships etc.). Restoration is here! Alleluia!!

the Harvest of Souls as you earnestly wait for and are expectant for the Harvest of things (promotion, wealth, relationships etc). Restoration is here! Alleluia!!


Prayer for this week

Lord , Here I am- Use me.


Charge for this week

Speak to persons about the Gospel of the Good News.
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