The greatest commandment given by Jesus Christ is this: LOVE GOD WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT (my words)

The greatest commandment given by Jesus Christ is this: LOVE GOD WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT (my words)
Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your passion and prayer and intelligence.” This is the most important, the first on any list
22:37-38 (MSG)
Jesus is very clear on what should be our priority in this Christian walk, It is all about loving the Father and honoring Him in our daily lives, becoming and being true witnesses to all those around us.
The NKJV says to love God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind – I write this so you can understand the MSG translation text used better.
The first time we see this command is in the Old Testament (Deuteronomy 6:5) and this is also repeated by Jesus- this is important. If we can succeed at this, we have succeeded at our purpose. In these days when love is a word being bandied and used loosely, some of us have lost sight of the true meaning of Love. Also the world has evolved and become more selfish in its demands of people and so love is defined according to the user. However in all of this, what does it mean to love God as described in text above?
Loving God is critical to our wholeness as individuals and as a unit/community. It is a command but also a choice by you to either go the whole way or not (no half ways) with God. You are either Cold or Hot, no lukewarmness- He will spit you out.
Do you love God? What does it mean to love Him?
It means that He fills your waking thoughts at dawn and hears the fading whispers of your heart at night
It means that through the good, bad and ugly times, you hold on to Him trusting that He will come through for you.
It means loving Him with your substance.
Means obedience to His word and His instructions- total surrender to Him and His direction, total submission to His Will and Ways.
It means being a bondservant- no half ways.
Sounds challenging – not at all. Guess what? Grace makes this all easy, also just knowing the sacrifice of His only Son propels us to love Him. He is an amazing Father, full of mercy and unfailing love. Who says to us that He is with us always, there is no need to fear. Who blesses us with good things, who disciplines us because He loves us eternally! What’s there not to love about Him?
Today I challenge to love God in words and in deeds. I challenge you to show Him great love daily and to express this in songs, dance or in writing.
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