Living Your God-Story (Trusting God When it Doesn’t Make Sense)

Greetings and it is great to be here. It is the last day of the year 2020 so imagine waking up tomorrow and it’s a new day and a new year.
Today we are looking at living our God-story for the year 2021. Yes, we all have a God-Story. Not a his-story or a her-story; a God story (defined as God’s intervention and redefinition of our lives). The question is “are you living your God Story”?

“But the story we’re given is a God-story not an Abraham-story. What we read in the scripture is Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right in his own.”

Romans 4 looks at our father of faith, Abraham and God’s awesome intervention in his life. The message translation provides a good read and clarity over God’s word and how Abraham held on to it without wavering despite the circumstances. Picture this; Abraham was going about life normally, writing his story and suddenly, God takes an interest and decides to rewrite his story to a God-Story. He calls him ‘Father”, calls him out of his comfort zone and into a journey of faith, trust and obedience.

The word says “Abraham trusted God to fulfill His promise to him without wavering or tip toeing around God’s promise and asking skeptical questions. He plunged right into the promise and came up strong, ready for God, sure that God would make good on what he said”.

Today, what has God said concerning you? What has He called you to do? What is He calling you out of and into? What is your God-Story? Have you plunged right in or you remain undecided because of the ‘realities’ staring you in the face? I urge you today, get in there and hold on – let go and let God! Trust Him to perform and watch Him be God!


Prayer for this week

Father today, I choose to be obedient to Your Word. Today I embrace my God-Story and I am eager to walk with you Lord. Amen!


Charge for this week

Start living your God-Story today. Do not fear! Once God has said it – He will do it. Play your own part by trusting Him and believing His word concerning you.
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