Its All For My Good Pt. 3

Greetings dear readers and welcome to this week’s devotional. Today’s topic is the concluding part of our three – part series “IT’S ALL FOR MY GOOD”. If you have missed any of the previous episodes please visit our website to catch up.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.”

It is very necessary for you to know, believe and understand that God loves you and that is not going to change anytime soon. God loved you before you were born, after you were born, before you made your first mistake, after you repented from that mistake, before you did anything honestly.

Someone may say if God loves Me, how come I’ve lost such and such thing. Now, as much as it is not palatable that you may have lost some things, God’s love is the reason why you have not lost everything and it’s the reason why from what you have left that you think is small or insignificant, that is from where God will make that big, amazing, phenomenal thing you are expecting, so stay in faith.

Because when the scripture says “all things”; not a few things, not some things but all things work together. That means if you go through the fire, it will work for your good. After all, the lion that would have killed Samson, gave him honey eventually. If you go through water, it will work for your good and announce you for greatness.


Prayer for this week

Father I thank you for loving Me now and always. I apologize for not believing it this long. Your grace is more than sufficient for Me and I know that all things are working together for my good in Jesus name.


Charge for this week

My charge to you today is to declare God’s promise which states that “all things are working for your good because you are called of God”. Let this be your meditation. Keep declaring and you will see the wonders of God.
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