Praise God it’s a new week. Thankful for His mercies and the opportunity to keep at the purpose journey, today, we look at the beauty of God’s timing. Yes the beauty of God’s timing despite the ugliness of life sometimes.

Praise God it’s a new week. Thankful for His mercies and the opportunity to keep at the purpose journey, today, we look at the beauty of God’s timing. Yes the beauty of God’s timing despite the ugliness of life sometimes.
He has made everything beautiful in its time.
Ecclesiastes 3:11a (NKJV)
Our lives are made up of seasons and times. God created time though He lives in eternity. We live and operate in time, and everything happens or comes to us in God’s time and it’s designated season. Waiting on God’s timing is very challenging; in fact it seems really difficult.
Whenever we question God’s timing, it is often because we are looking for guidance or deliverance from a difficult situation. But the good news is that God is never late. Our God requires that we go through different stages of processes so we can mature finely, when we know this, then waiting becomes light. We start to focus more on trusting God and patiently waiting on Him knowing He controls the times and seasons of our lives.
God makes all things beautiful in His time; He’s our Father whose priority is to ensure we live a life worthy of His calling. When we understand that His love drives Him, we will know that His perfect timing of things is to our advantage. Going ahead of Him puts us at a disadvantage and a prey to the enemy.
Today believe God and in His timing. It may seem like it’s never going to happen but be assured that waiting is God’s good and perfect will.
Prayer for this week
Charge for this week
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