Encouraging Words From The Father – Through The Fire

In the previous chapters, we explored the themes of personal relationship with the Father as well as going through trials. This chapter will go in-depth on the concept of going through the fire and becoming everything the Lord has proposed for our lives. Let us begin with the scriptures that speak of our Father’s goodness through the fire. 

Through the Fire

One of the ways our relationship (driven by faith, love and trust) with God can be deepened is through trials. Going through trials may be challenging but it is needful. It builds your relationship with God.

Joy in the Morning

The morning is revealed by the light of the sun as its rays gently kiss the skies and gradually reveal the beauty of the earth. This symbolises how Christ (the Sun of Righteousness) intervenes in our dark seasons and brings joy in the morning to the believer.

The Ultimate Displacer

So, you have worries, and probably valid ones too! How- ever, you must let Jesus come into the equation. When He becomes your focal point, your worries take a back seat and you set your gaze on Him who is able to deliver and walk you through that rough time.

Do you know Him?

Beloved of God, do you know that nothing can ever separate you from the love of God? NOTHING! Let that sink in.

Grieving Your Losses

The last three months have been the toughest time the World has had to face, from the health crisis created by the COVID 19 pandemic to the deep seated social-economic issues we have had to face as different countries.

Time to Align

How are you doing today beloved? “Peace, Be Still” is what the Lord is saying to us. This storm will pass and we would be much better for it.

Being Thankful

2020 seems to be going by quickly despite all we are currently facing. It is mid-May already and almost halfway into the year.