Our Faith Walk Series – Your Thought Life Drives Your Faith Levels

Hello everyone, I greet you with all hope and belief that you are marching forwards in boldness and might! Remember we have the victory in Christ. 

Expect to see a new move of God in your life, escape the trap of the familiar. As we continue Our Faith Walk series, this week we look at our thought life and how this drives our faith levels.  

“For as a man thinks in his heart so is he”.

This is a text that is as self explanatory as it reads. You are what you think. Even in the legal world, it is often said “where the mind is right, the mind is the man”. Our thought life drives our actual life not really our circumstances. You can only get far in life by how much you think you can.  If you think you are a failure, you would probably remain one as long as you walk in your thought life. It is that powerful that the Father saw it important to make key references to our thought life in the scriptures; one of which is the scripture above (Pro23:7a), the truth that He has given us the spirit of love, boldness and a sound mind, (2 Tim 1:7) and the transforming of our minds by His Spirit(Rom12:2).

How is our thought life linked to our faith walk? Remember that faith is about believing – belief is about what you think is possible. Our thought life becomes imperative to our spiritual growth simply because as long as you think God is unable to do a thing or that you can achieve this on your own, your faith can only carry you as far as you think. Then you move to speaking out what you are thinking, remember that Faith also comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God, as you think and speak, you hear and the faith level keeps rising! Also this can be vice versa, each time you speak contrary of God’s word, your faith levels take a blow.

Imagine your faith as moving up in levels like a thermometer, each time you choose to believe a thing in the opposite of God’s Word, it shoots towards the lower part, you become cold to His Word and the power therein, each time you choose to believe Him and His Word, your levels shoot up to the red zone, you become too hot to handle by the enemy because you are flaming hot with the power of His Word- yes just imagine this! 

This year, make it a habit to speak God’s Word DAILY to yourself, family, nation, business, career, work etc! Every morning, I stand in front of my bathroom mirror and I speak, I tell my day what God’s word says, I tell my health what God’s word says, I tell my career what God’s word says, I tell my path what God’s word says, I tell my dreams what God’s word says! I speak to everything I can see and not see!! 

The Power in God’s word transforms all things flesh and spirit- His Word created the Universe and all that is in it- how much more would God honor His word concerning you His Beloved! 

Today, challenge yourself to think God’s way. Change your thought life, become what you think, become God’s Child!!


Prayer for this week

Heavenly father, Today I make a choice to believe You. I chose to set my mind on Jesus (the Word) and to speak only that which is in line with your Will for my Life, in Jesus mighty name I pray. Amen


Charge for this week

Phil 4:8 – “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”
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