The Fullness Of Time – Part IV (Obedience)

Bless the Lord oh my soul! And forget not His benefits! (Psalm 103).  Hope you had a great week! Even if things didn’t work out – Bless the Lord all the same– remember we are being tenacious about His Word.  As we continue our study of the different stances to have in the Spirit in preparation for the fullness of time concerning God spoken word in our lives, this week we study how important the stance of Obedience is.  Over the last couple of weeks, as we have looked at various stances, I do hope you have been blessed.

 You can take a look at the ones we have studied here: The Fullness of Time: Part II (The Stance of Belief) and Sticking to the name He has given you (tenacity on what He has said). The last stance; being a blessing to others (Love+Charity) will be studied next week.

If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land

When expectant and waiting for the fullness of time – God’s fulfillment of a spoken word – obedience is paramount to getting there.  God treasures obedience – it means you trust Him completely to follow through with what He has asked you to do.  Still on Mary’s story; Joseph was obedient to God in not sending her away but believing God’s messenger and knowing that she was carrying the Christ.  So once we accept the word (Luke 2: 38), hold on to it (Luke 1: 59 – 60), we now have to obey the word!

Samuel the Prophet wrote that it’s better to obey than to offer up sacrifices. Sometimes what could be holding back that breakthrough or a break out could be disobedience to God’s word!

  • Who or what are you unforgiving of?
  • What is causing so much bitterness in your heart that it has swallowed up the Word?
  • What has God asked you for that you are withholding?
  • What has He asked you to put on the altar (your Isaac) that you have hidden?
  • Who or What has he asked you to bless?
  • What relationships has he asked you to let go of?
  • Business partners to walk away from or very unassuming persons to be friends with?
  • What great leap of faith has He expected of you and you still hide in the shadows?
  • Why are you ‘dulling’?
  • What level of impatience with God has created a high level of disobedience to His word in your life?


Today my loved ones, let’s all REPENT!

Yes, let’s get back to the basics and come to God with childlike adoration and complete trust!


Prayer for this week

Father Today, I repent of every disobedient act. Holy Spirit, please help me with obeying God completely- In Jesus Name Amen


Charge for this week

Reflect on Psalm 139:23- 24. OBEY God- listen He speaks. I pray grace on you to stand up and be counted for Jesus! You can write in to share testimonies, ask questions or share the word.
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